October 29, 2008

4:48 PM - Gone Nutty

Current mood: adventurous

Wow, I'm taking a break from going nutty. Papers to grade, projects to meet; oh, the life of being an independent business contractor.

This week is the week I have to submit in the reports. So it's rush, rush and rush! I'm amazed I haven't grown a single grey hair. Maybe when it's over, it'll be there. I haven't taken a really good look at myself through a mirror.

Three things I want to say:
Happy Birthday dear Scorpios! Yes, I'm a Scorpio and I'm not that horny as others would have indicted based on its stereotype!

Please vote. Even though if you're one of the undecideds, just go to the poll and take your best pick. Every vote counts. I came from a family that fought so hard to have the privilege and the right to vote. I don't care if you're white, black, brown, tan or not from America. If you have the right to vote, please vote, period.

And have a happy and safe Halloween. Don't forget to set your clock on October 31. Or is it this Sunday, November 2nd? Check your calendar. I wake up early in the mornings and the sun has been coming up late than usual. First time I've driven at 650am in dark and I could still see the stars high above. I looooove Autumn. Either it's changing for the better or the worse, and we can always make the best out of the worse. Cheers!

Currently reading :
For the Love of Autumn

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