April 17, 2009


I couldn't determine which I am; Internet Nerd or Addict. Most of the time, my social skills as a blogger and one of these daily twitters come out alright. In fact, I'm sometimes awkward probably because I skipped 3rd grade due to a teacher's huge surprise that I could understand how to multiply in math in 2nd grade. It has nothing to do with discovering my genius or my ability to perform anything better than my classroom peers.

Therefore, my social development was skipped a year ahead. But I love people and am always eager to learn how to work with people daily. I also work hard to make sure my lessons are being learnt very well. I also believe in imperfection and cringe when somebody wants me to do a perfect job. Perfect doesn't exist in my world, period.

Today, I discovered that www.brightkite.com could pinpoint where you are right now (feature also allows you to post exact where you are, or in which city you are in or in county and et cetera). It also allows me to text where I am and upload my picture. Good news, I can turn on a feature that every time (by choice) I text brightkite.com, it'll go to twitter and facebook.

It also guess where I am if I click on "guess location I'm at" and it's doing a very good job at it. Go check it out if you love to meet new people at public places. Cheers!

Twitter me at 2maisha and I'll make sure I'll follow you, too!

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