August 14, 2009

Long Summer of 2009

I know. I know. It has been a while since I've been on a blog. It's my longest summer ever not because on how I feel about the speed of timing, but because of big changes I'm going through in my life. I'm not going to spill the beans but it's a wonderful huge of new road path I'm taking. Of course, I'm still studying to become a mechanic. I have taken summer class of mechanic lab projects and had a great time with it. This fall, I'll gear up to 10 units of mechanic classes (two courses) in which I'm really looking forward to.

My mom has retired and moved to her dream place to live. I'm so happy for her and often wonder what she does there. She's still very busy in her retirement being involved in an organization.

As for me, I'm going thru thirty something and it has been a wonderful experience. I see my friends more often during the summer and hope I will still have this chance thru Fall.

On other note: check ZVRS PC-100 software for videophone. What makes it stand different than other software vp is that people can call me thru the software called z alert to let you know of incoming calls and its video screen can be stretched to fit your monitor. Try it at then click on ZVRS PC-100. I've tried it and really like it a lot.

I'm going to post up blogs more often as I can. And because of comments posted on Mike Deboe, I've decide to moderate the comments because I want my blog to be a positive blog for everyone, not a controversy blog where the crab theories exist nor to use it to beat up and pull down a valued opinion.


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